Sermon - Advent Midweek 3, 2024
Adoration of the Shepherds , Gerard von Honthorst, 1622 December is a very dark month here in Minnesota. December 21st was the darkest day of the year and now the days are growing longer and the sun is shining longer and longer. It’s incredible that Christmas falls at this time of year when the days are so short and the darkness seems overpowering. The date of Easter was chosen before the date of Christmas, since we do know approximately when Jesus was crucified and risen. The date for Christmas was chosen based upon Easter, because it has been a long standing tradition that saints die on the day of their conception. Thus, if Jesus was crucified and conceived on March 25th, nine months later is December 25th, which would be His birth. Perhaps what’s most interesting is that others have attempted to date Jesus’ birth, and typically they conclude that He was very likely born the end of December! Really, this is something worthy of marvel, that the Lord chose such a birth and we would cel...