
Sermon - Year B, Proper 23, 2024 - Mark 10:17-22

If You Want to be Perfect (Christ and the Rich Young Man) , Andrey Mironov, 2017 Forsaking every earthly treasure to follow Christ Knowing Jesus and keeping the law is not enough Following Christ means we must forsake all worldly goods Greater Treasure in heaven awaits those who love the Lord alone “ He went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. ” Perhaps when you heard the readings this morning you were also filled with sorrow, because Jesus’ words are very challenging. “ Sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me. ” For the rich young man these words were devastating, because he was now at a crossroads and must choose either to follow Christ and gain a heavenly treasure, or follow this world and keep his worldly treasures. Today Jesus places us at the same crossroad, and our Lord bids us to forsake every earthly treasure to follow Him. The tempting thought for us though is that we can have both treasures: treasure on

Sermon - Michaelmas 2024 - Psalm 91

Saint Michael the Archangel Vanquishing Satan,  Rafal Hadziewicz, 1830 The Comfort of the Angels The angels were created for the sake of Christians Angels are always beholding the face of God and therefore always do His will Angels guard the children of God A blessed Michaelmas dear brothers and sisters in Christ! I know you’ve heard of Christmas, a church service celebrating the birth of Christ Jesus. But Michaelmas may sound a bit strange to your ears. In centuries past, however, Michaelmas was as well-known as any other holiday, marking the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Michaelmas is a church service celebrating St. Michael the Archangel, and in general all of the good angels. It’s unfortunate that this feast day has gone out of vogue, but it’s worth remembering yearly, because on this day God reveals His comfort for us through the holy angels. I think it’s a safe guess to make that the majority of people believe in angels. Perhaps there are more people who believe in a

Inaugural Sermon - Pentecost 18, 2024 - James 3:13-4:10

Taken From:  The life of Luther in forty-eight historical engravings.   König, Gustav Ferdinand Leopold. 1900.  The ministry of heavenly wisdom draws us near to God The ministry of the pastor delivers heavenly wisdom and gifts The pastor’s goals are to lead the congregation to: Resist the devil Draw near to God Live forever in unceasing joy before the throne of God Let us pray:“ O Lord God, dear Father in heaven, I am indeed unworthy of the office and ministry in which I am to make known Your glory and to nurture and to serve this congregation. But since You have appointed me to be a pastor and teacher, and the people are in need of the teaching and the instruction, be my helper and let Your holy angels attend to me. Then if You are pleased to accomplish anything through me, to Your glory and not to mine or to the praise of men, grant me, out of Your pure grace and mercy, a right understanding of Your Word and that I may also diligently perform it. O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the livin

Sermon - Trinity XV 2024 - Matthew 6:24-34

Jesus gives us confidence in God’s providence Redirect our anxious energy about this life Into confident living as God’s children in His kingdom Jesus said: “ Do not be anxious about your life. ” Why do you suppose He said that? Could it be that we are in fact, often, very anxious about our lives. If you had to list some stressors in life, I’m sure you could do it without much difficulty, the harder thing may be finding enough time to list them all. You would think we wouldn’t have much stress in life, especially considering all of the technological progress we’ve made and how easy our lives can be.  You can pick up the handheld computer and order anything you want, with the press of a button you can be entertained in an instant, all without leaving your soft leather couch. You can make a meal just by opening a container or two, and heating it up for three minutes and thirty seconds in the microwave. The floor vacuums itself with a robot, the dishes and clothes need only be placed in t

Sermon - Trinity XIV 2024 - Proverbs 4:10-23

The Broad and the Narrow Path,  Charlotte Reihlen & Paul Beckmann, 1886 The Word is Life and Light The Word has given much life and light to our christian forefathers The incarnate Word is Jesus He gives life and zeal through His Word He gives light and a direction in life through His Word How did our congregation get here? We are at an interesting stage of congregational life here in the midwest. Most congregations in the midwest have now been around for over a hundred years, including this congregation. This means that none of us founded this congregation, and those original founders died decades ago, so our personal knowledge of this congregation’s founding is quite distant; we can read about it, if we can speak German, but we didn’t experience it. It is fascinating to consider everything which went into founding these midwest Lutheran congregations, and the incredible sacrifices which were made by the individual members. It was common that congregations didn’t collectively take