Sermon - Epiphany III 2019 - Matthew 8:1-13
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Everybody knows that pithy little saying is a joke, it’s a farce. Sure sticks and stones may break bones, but words actually have the power to hurt to a far more disastrous extent. As a child if you break your arm or leg or a rib, these things heal, probably you’ll grow up and it’ll be just fine. But as a child if your parents constantly berate you and mistreat you, abuse you with words, you may never recover from that. A bully can beat a kid up with his fists or the bully can torture the kid with words, driving the child to suicide. As adults, the stakes are even higher! We have a serious 8th commandment issue going on today, where anybody and everybody is encouraged to give false testimony against their neighbor, speak lies against them, betray them, slander them, hurt their reputation, and explain everything in the harshest way. The media will publish rumors and outright lies about people, ruinin...