Sermon - Pentecost 2020 - John 14:23-31
At Babel, some thousands of years ago, the Lord cursed man by separating and dividing us from one another. “ Come ,” said the Lord, “ let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech. ” This curse caused man to disperse from one another, and it persists still to this day. In some ways the curse of Babel is worse than the flood, since the flood only killed one generation, but the confusion of language has harmed man for every generation since Babel. It’s divided us into races and nations and cultures and states. Even among those who share the same language, and even the same house, our language has been confused and communication rendered difficult among even the best of relations. Many a misunderstanding has resulted in terrible feuds between friends, now rivals. This separation and division among man is not a good thing. As evidenced in the creation account, it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone, but he required the company of an...