Sermon - Trinity II 2022 - Luke 14:15-24
Invitation to the Feast , Eugene Burnand, 1899 Looking back on our attendance records since the 1980’s we observe a consistent decline in baptisms, confirmations, and attendance on Sunday mornings. The fact that we have fewer people in our pews today than we did 20 years ago is not only our problem but it’s the problem Christianity faces throughout our nation. Compared to some churches, like holiness churches such as the Apostolics locally or the Amish or Hutterites nationally whose numbers have generally increased in the past century, we’ve done worse. But compared to the liberal mainline protestant denominations we’ve done much better. Regardless, we are significantly smaller than we were 40 years ago. Pastor Heath Curtis, the coordinator for LCMS Stewardship who has studied statistics and demographics throughout the LCMS recently said in a presentation to Iowa District West that just as the past decade has been hard, the next decade will likely be much harder. According to demograph...