Sermon - Reformation Day 2022 - Romans 3:19-28
Crucifixion, Pietro Perugino, ~1506 The Righteousness of Faith The world demands righteousness by works. Christ reckons us righteous on account of His blood as a gift. Therefore we receive Christ’s righteousness through faith. A blessed festival of the Reformation to you dear friends in Christ! Sometimes Reformation Day gets equated with little more than a day to celebrate German culture, which is a fine thing to do; sometimes it gets equated with celebrating Martin Luther, which is okay. But today isn’t about anything so small as German culture or Martin Luther, rather today is about the gospel, it’s about justification, it’s about the righteousness of faith in Christ! In Luther’s day, and still today, the world demands righteousness by works. But today we rejoice that Christ reckons us righteous on account of His blood, as a gift. We therefore receive Christ’s righteousness not by works, but through faith. Indeed, the world does in fact demand righteousness by works. We live in ...