Sermon - Invocavit 2023 - Matthew 4:1-11
David and Goliath , Guillaume Courtois, between 1650-1660 Battling Temptations Jesus’ triumph against temptation is our victory. Jesus’ battle against Satan is an example for us. How the devil tempts us. These temptations are all ultimately idolatry. We combat temptations with God’s Word. We combat temptations with physical actions. We live in a highly individualized age in which individuals define right and wrong, good and evil, for themselves. I’ve heard it said many times “you can’t legislate morality.” Except, that’s exactly what God’s law is and how God desires His law to be used among us: the law must legislate morality, define right and wrong. But, our world doesn’t like objective truth, it prefers to operate based upon individual feelings. One of the consequences of this is that there are very few preventative measures in our society, very few things that hinder us from falling into vices and evil behaviors. Afterall, if morality is left exclusively for the individual to d...