
Showing posts from January, 2024

Sermon - Septuagesima 2024 - Matthew 20:1-16

The Parable of the Wicked Workers of the Vineyard , 2013, Andrei Nikolayevich Mironov Grumbling about Grace God is gracious, and we often respond by grumbling. God rescued the Israelites from slavery, and they grumbled. The Master of the vineyard graciously hired and paid His laborers, and some grumbled that they didn’t receive more. Nevertheless, God is gracious. He continually invites and calls. He calls us to be laborers, to work alongside Him; this work is not toilsome. He brings us into a vineyard, which produces wine, which gladdens men’s hearts; this is a joyful place. He gives to all the same reward, even though we are all undeserving; thus it’s all received by grace. A few months ago a librarian called from the Emmetsburg Library on my day off saying that there was a guy there worrying the librarians and asking for a pastor. So, I got dressed up and drove over there, thinking that there was some serious issue I would have to deal with. Upon arriving it turned out there was...

Sermon - Transfiguration 2024 - Matthew 17:1-9

Moses Before the Burning Bush , Domenico Fetti, 1613 Jesus’ Glory Is Encouragement on the Way The christian way is burdened with many crosses Jesus reveals His glory in order to strengthen us Out of the pot and into the frying pan would be an apt description of Moses’ early years in Egypt. You might remember when Moses was born Pharaoh had made an executive order that “ Every son born to the Hebrews you shall cast into the Nile. ” So after Moses’ mother could no longer hide him, he was placed in a floating basket into the Nile to be found by one of Pharaoh's daughters. She had compassion on him and in a fantastic turn of events Moses’ own mother was paid to nurse him until he was weaned. And then, Moses became Pharaoh’s daughter’s son and was raised in the palace. Years later, when Moses had grown up, he became angry when he saw how his people were treated by the Egyptians, and he killed an Egyptian. It became known to Pharaoh so Moses had to flee for his life and he lived in a for...

Sermon - Epiphany II 2024 - John 2:1-11

the Marriage at Cana , Fresco from the Visoki Decani Monastery, 14th cent. Jesus’ glory is revealed in marriage. The significance of marriage What marriage is The glory of Christ is made manifest in marriage “ On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with His disciples… This, the first of His signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested His glory. And His disciples believed in Him. ” Isn’t it wondrous that this first manifestation of Jesus’ glory is revealed at a wedding! This is no minor detail or random coincidence, because marriage matters, marriage is huge! Jesus’ glory isn’t only revealed at this particular wedding in Cana, but Jesus’ glory is revealed in every marriage. In Ephesians we read today: “ This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. ” Marriage is a profound mystery which refers to Christ and the church. The love between a husband and wif...

Sermon - Epiphany 2024 - Matthew 2:1-12

Adoration of the Magi, Albrecht Durer, 1504 The Magi Reveal the Kingship of Jesus. The Faith of the Magi The Unbelief of Jerusalem The Worship in Bethlehem Today we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord. An epiphany is when something is made manifest or clear. What the Magi reveal is that Jesus is the King. Thus far in the infancy narrative Jesus’ identity was not widely known. In Bethlehem only a few shepherds knew about Him. When Jesus was presented at the temple in Jerusalem only Simeon and Anna knew about Him. But with the arrival of the Magi from the East, all of Jerusalem suddenly had an epiphany: The King of the Jews has been born! When the Magi from Babylon had received this epiphany they were overcome with such joy through their faith that they went on this great journey to go and worship this newborn King. It’s a bit surprising that Gentiles from the East would suddenly show up in Jerusalem, because how is it that they come to worship Jesus before Jesus’ own people?  Well we...