Sermon - Trinity IV 2024 - Genesis 50:15-21
The Recognition of Joseph by his Brothers , Peter von Cornelius, 1816 Being Merciful Joseph’s backstory and him showing mercy to his brothers after receiving evil from them Jesus shows mercy to us after receiving evil from us We are to be humbly merciful towards those who do us evil “ Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. ” That’s really hard to do. It is very difficult to get along with other people. To be fair, it’s really tough for others to get along with us. We can all be quite insensitive, rude, obnoxious, prideful, foolish, malicious, vengeful, antagonistic, and sometimes downright wicked to each other. Yet, in spite of the fact that sometimes we want to strangle somebody or slug them in the face, Jesus tells us to be merciful, even if they deserve a punch in the gut. Old Testament Joseph is a good example of showing mercy to those who deserved no mercy. His brothers said to themselves: “ It may be that Joseph will hate us and pay us back for all the evil that we di...