Sermon - Quasimodo Geniti - John 20:19-31
Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! If you were to hit an extremely rough patch in your life and run away from everything for a few days, upon coming to your senses and returning home, what would be the first thing you would do? Probably you’d go to your family, those who love you the most and were the greatest troubled by your disappearance. When you show up you wouldn’t just shoot the breeze and talk about silly little things. You would comfort them, speak consoling words in order to give peace to their frightened hearts. You might tell them something you should’ve told them earlier, something important. Most likely, you’d tell them you love them. Thus Jesus upon His return from the grave doesn’t just shoot the breeze with His disciples, but consoles them with the peace of the resurrection. Of course Jesus didn’t run away from His problems, but faced them head-on and even died for our problems. But when He returned to those whom He loved, His disciples, His ...