Sermon - Good Friday 2019
“But one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water.” What a gory detail that the apostle John included in His account of the crucifixion. As we read through what happened to Jesus during the last day of His earthly life, this is one of those details that makes us a bit queezy and uncomfortable.
Perhaps this language makes us so uncomfortable because it makes us think of childbirth. When a child is born, very often there’s a flow of water and blood which comes from the mother who is giving birth to this new life which she has nourished inside of her womb. But this makes us uncomfortable because childbirth is about new life, whereas the crucifixion is about the death of Jesus. Yet the two are in fact very similar because the crucifixion is also about new life.
However it is true that the crucifixion is about death, namely the death of Jesus. This gory detail is provided as evidence that Jesus’ crucifixion did truly take place, as John attests, “He who saw it has borne witness—his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth—that you also may believe.” This gory detail, about the death of Jesus, validates the witness of John’s Gospel and that Jesus did really die.
Not only that Jesus died, but that Jesus isn’t only fully God but is also fully human! Which means that Jesus did actually die a real actual death because He is dying for real actual people who are real actual sinners who really deserve to actually die for their sins. Jesus’ death isn’t just an example of how we should live our lives. He doesn’t die as a result of people trying to start a war or a rebellion. Jesus’ death is for the forgiveness of our sins.
Jesus is the final passover Lamb, within which “not one of His bones will be broken.” Instead, our Jesus is pierced through with a spear, “He was pierced for our transgressions.” Upon this pierced Jesus we “look on Him whom we have pierced.” Jesus was pierced through the side for our sake in gory detail because we are really sinners all with sinfully gory histories.
We are sinners for whom Jesus has died. We’re not God’s gifts to heaven. We’re not holy perfect people just because we exist. We are real flesh and blood sinners. It is for us that Jesus lifted up His voice and cried out “It is finished!” before He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. What did Jesus finish? Your redemption, your salvation, your forgiveness, your new life.
In the water and blood shed from the side of the crucified Jesus on Golgotha, we receive new life. Almost as if we are reborn in the crucifixion of Jesus; though His death we receive new life! Your old manner of living, your old sins and stains, your old prideful selfish iniquities are forgiven as you’re born anew from the side of Jesus.
The water from Jesus’ side flows into the font wherein you were baptized. This font is for you a rebirth by water and the Spirit. You are born again in the death of Jesus Christ. The water from His side is your baptism by which His death becomes yours. The forgiveness of sins won for you on calvary is new for you everyday because your baptism makes it new everyday. When you were baptized, you were baptized into Jesus’ crucifixion and you died with Him there. When you emerged from those baptismal waters you were reborn with Christ and were raised with Him to new life.
The blood from Jesus’ side flows into the chalice on the altar. In this holy meal you partake of the body and blood of Christ, and His body and blood becomes yours as you commune with Him here. The same tokens by which You’re forgiven and your sins are paid in full are present for you here on this plate and in this chalice.
This gory detail of Jesus’ pierced side is to show you that the cross of Christ is for you. It’s not just a historical detail in the life of Christ, it’s not just one more interesting story to tell the kids, but the crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday is for you today. Yes, it’s gory; yes, it’s sad; yes, it’s uncomfortable; but it is good. For from the side of Jesus, water and blood flowed mingled down into the font and the chalice, and here you’re reborn to new life and nourished so that you can make it to the rest of this life in paradise.
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