Sermon - Judica 2020 - John 8:42-59
If there’s one thing that this current pandemonium makes clear, it’s that death scares people. Covid, in the scheme of things and the scope of human history, relative to previous pandemics and pestilence, Covid is minor. Worst case scenario with this virus is that about 3% of the population dies. That’s pretty bad, it’s a lot of people! However, compared to previous plagues where 50% or more died, people are relatively safe still today. Nevertheless, this virus has forced many people to come to terms with the possibility of dying. In a secular culture like ours, in a culture which foregoes the spiritual and religious and focuses entirely on this life, it makes sense that people would absolutely panic in the face of death. When this life means everything to you, and death means the end of this life, that means that death is the end of everything in your mind. The secularist when faced with death can only panic and react with fear and hysterics, because the secularist has no framewo...