Sermon - Misericordias Domini 2020 - John 10:11-16
Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! The Bible is chock full of shepherds! Right at the beginning, Abel, the son of Adam and Eve, was a shepherd. Jacob herded the sheep of His father-in-law Laban. Joseph tended sheep with his brothers. Moses herded his father-in-law, Jethro’s sheep. David, in particular, is the most popular of the Old Testament shepherds. But all of these shepherds simply point to the true Good Shepherd of our souls: our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is our Good Shepherd who rescues us from Satan’s jaws by laying down His life and leading us into His fold. It is just as Christ has said: “ I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. ” Usually it does the sheep no good when the shepherd dies, but in this case, it’s absolutely necessary that our Good Shepherd lay down His life for the sheep. The reason it’s necessary that the Good Shepherd must go to such great expense for the sheep is because of their predicament. I...