Sermon - Christmas Day 2020 - John 1:1-18

 Merry Christmas! Earlier this week the planets Jupiter and Saturn aligned in such a way that they appeared nearly as one large star in the sky. Probably in part due to their alignment occurring a few days before Christmas, and being reminiscent of the star the wise men followed, the sight was dubbed the “Christmas Star.” 

But in giving this name to this alignment of the planets, it inevitably causes a bit of confusion, as some begin to think that this was the very same thing which the Magi followed. But, while it is quite fascinating to see these two planets align, just to be clear, it’s not what the Magi saw in the sky and followed. The alignment of Jupiter and Saturn does not make the Christmas Star.

Rather, what the Magi saw in the sky was a supernatural event, not just a rare astronomical, yet natural, event. The light they saw had been prophesied of old, and this light led them directly to the Christ. This star which guided their path to worship the Savior wasn’t just a random ball of gas, but it was the Light shining in the darkness. Jesus is the Christmas Star.

Jesus is the “light [which] shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Isn’t this incredible! When the sun rises in the morning, everyone knows and acknowledges it, even if you’re blind you can’t help but feel its warmth upon your skin. When two planets align in the sky, and the result is a tiny dot which is easy to miss, many go out and take pictures. But when the true light comes, hardly anyone takes notice.

Hear what John wrote: “The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.” It’s crazy, the Messiah of all the world had just been born, and hardly anyone realized it! The Magi, a bunch of pagans from the East, come to Israel where the Christ is to be found and none of Jesus’ people even know He’s arrived, they don’t even know the prophecies! 

Even though the true Light of the world had come, the people still dwelt in the deep darkness. Sadly, such is still the case, as much of this world is shrouded in darkness. There is an oppressive dark shadow which covers our land, a type of confusion and dimness, causing many to stumble about, lost in a world of haze. It’s not only the heathens who’re lost, but even many Christians have lost their way in these dreary latter days.

In our comfortable prosperity, we’ve become delusional in thinking we have it all together. We lost sight of the true Christmas Star, lost sight of Jesus, since we thought we outgrew Him and progressed beyond Him. Feminism and Marxism have replaced marriage and the family. Christians readily give up the Divine Service as something optional and disposable. We fear a virus with a very small mortality rate, but treat the almighty judge of our souls like a senile old man. Christians used to willingly die for the faith, with bishops at the front; now, the bishops are the most frightened of all! We’re more worried about being politically correct than we are about being faithful unto death. 

The cause of all of this darkness? Our own sin which clings to our flesh. This is why we are so comfortable in the darkness and revert back to it given the chance. It’s also why it’s so painful to see the darkness around us, knowing it’s our own fault.

But because this darkness is of our own doing, it also makes the Light of Christ that much more joyful for us! Though the darkness of 2020, and every year previously, may be quite harsh, the darkness cannot overcome the light of Jesus. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Christ, our Savior, has appeared and entered into our flesh. So when Christ dwells within us, our flesh is rid of that darkness of sin! 

When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, ... according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior.” You’re rid of your darkness because Christ has cleansed you from its bitter stain. You live in the light because Christ’s light scatters all darkness from you. Your sin is illuminated and gone. You’re not lost or confused anymore, because your path to righteousness is fully lit.

We’ve heard the voice of John the Baptist and have looked to the morning start rising in the East. Here we are gathered together in God’s house because we believe in His name and trust Him for all things. We are those who have become the children of God and have been born of the will of God. We have seen His glory, the glory as of the only Son from the Father full of grace and truth. Here, in the simple house of the Lord, we receive grace upon grace.

Living in this light of Christ, we’re not living in a delusion or blinded by the darkness, thinking we’ve progressed beyond God. Rather we see the truth and realize our terrific need for God with vivid clarity. 

We cling to God’s blessings in this life, especially those of marriage and family. Seeing things for what they are, we have the courage to call feminism and marxism the satanic lies they are. We hold fast to the centrality of the Divine Service in our lives, even when it’s “risky.” We learn to lovingly fear God alone, and not trust in changing science or corrupt politicians. We no longer fear death however it may come since we’re heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

When we live in the light of Christ we can clearly see that this past year has been a wonderful blessed year because God has sustained us and continued to shower upon us grace upon grace. God has made us stronger and more bold in the face of growing darkness. Our faith in God has been more firmly established in Him since we’ve continued to hear God’s Word and receive the Christ Mass every chance we get. Satan has attacked us, but the faithful here remain. 

Living in Christ’s light, we can see that today is a wonderful day full of cheer and joy! Our sins have been absolved, our dark deeds are forgiven and forgotten. We get to hear God’s precious promises in the scriptures. I’m not preaching to an empty sanctuary, which means we have other Christians with us, we’re not alone, we’re with our family. That Word we heard read is made flesh for us here on this altar. Our voices aren’t muzzled, but we get to sing with the angels and all the host of heaven. Today our faith is being nourished by God who has come as our Christmas Star, revealing the brightness of His grace for us. 

“My heart for very joy must leap; my lips no more can silence keep. I, too, must sing with joyful tongue that sweetest ancient cradle song:  Glory to God in highest heaven, who unto us his Son has given! While Angels sing with pious mirth a glad new year to all the earth.” 

The Light of Christ has indeed made this a very merry Christmas. 


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